We completely missed our goal of releasing a new internal test every week. Or two weeks. Or monthly.
Basically, we suck at keeping to dates (still).
Seemed like each week we’d take it in turns in saying “I want to get this in first” or “no, fix that first”.
Ahh, development hell.But we have prone, so shutup 🙂
Its only the basic fundamentals, but its nice to have anyway. That said, our coder – i.e. me – went ahead and boloxed up the way the character aims, which set us back a bit. It was for a good reason – getting things organised for use with the fullbody IK system – but is still very frustrating.
Item wise, we’ve been working on the flash bang grenade and effects, as well as additional firearms and related accessories:
The system we’ve added for interacting with ingame actors is in.
It lets us do things like highlight and pickup the rifle we want:Interact with the scope thats attached to it by looking at it:
Or pretty much anything else we can think of.
One thing I personally want to try is rigging the up action to grenades, allowing players to quickly, if not desperately, attempt to kick live grenades away.
Speaking of kicking, I need to hook that up to the doors, which are in too. Be great to have them fully physics based, but we’ll most likely opt for a combination of physics/controlled. Should let players slowly open doors with the mouse or blow ten kinds of crap out of them with a breaching charge. Coz, you know, #@%! doors.
The UI has also got some much needed attention. Being powered by Coherent UI, it uses HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript, making it is easy to work with. Aside from the main game menus, we plan to use it for adding map specific interactive menus and objects, as well as items like maps and compasses.
The assets relating to the menu we will be available to players for the creation of themes and general customisation. We’ll most likely allow for similar access to the HUD, though it will be limited to prevent exploits.
That’s it.