Frequently Asked Questions

Last updated: May 2024
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GROUND BRANCH is a thinking man’s first-person tactical shooter in the same vein as the classic Rainbow Six and Ghost Recon titles from the late ’90s and early 2000s. Currently on Steam Early Access, it features in-depth character and weapon customization, realistic movement and damage, and high lethality.

BlackFoot Studios’ premiere title, GROUND BRANCH is based on the real-life subsection of the CIA’s Special Activities Center/Special Operations Group (SAC/SOG). Operatives are mostly recruited from USSOCOM (United States Special Operations Command) units and are experts in field craft, surveillance, small arms, hostage rescue and close-quarters battle.

What is BlackFoot Studios?

Founded by John Sonedecker — one of the lead artists in the original Rainbow Six and Ghost Recon series — BlackFoot Studios (BFS) is a small, truly independent remote team making realistic and tactical squad-based games currently partnered with publisher MicroProse. You can learn more about our team here.

When can we expect a full release? Is there a roadmap?

We don’t have a final release date just yet, but the roadmap can be found here:

How can I support GROUND BRANCH?

In addition to purchasing the game and spreading the word, you can help by finding and reporting new bugs (via the in-game bug report system), as well as by providing constructive feedback.

If you want to make a donation, you can do so by buying a Steam game key directly from our website’s store ( and adding the amount you would like to donate to the base price.

💡 If you have purchased and enjoyed GROUND BRANCH, leaving us a positive review on Steam is also helpful and greatly appreciated, as recommendations directly affect the purchase decision of many players.

Will there be a demo? What can we expect it to include?

We would like to get some sort of demo out at some point, but have no ETA or predicted content at this time.

If I buy GROUND BRANCH now, does that give me the full game with all future updates?

Yes, with the exception of possible post-release content (DLC, expansions etc.).

Will the full release cost more than the Early Access?

Yes. The final price is subject to change, but currently expected to be in the 39.99 USD range, depending on how much content ends up in v1.0.

Early Access price is currently 29.99 USD (increased from 19.99 USD for the V1031 release back in 2021).

💡 GROUND BRANCH uses regional pricing. If you are not in the United States, please see the local price for your region on our Steam Store page.

For how long can we expect GROUND BRANCH to receive updates and support?

We would like to support and keep adding to GROUND BRANCH for a long time. The game is being developed as a strong and flexible core with plenty of potential for expansion — from content to mechanics — both official and community-made.

Is the game coming to consoles? What about macOS and Linux?

We would love to release GROUND BRANCH on as many platforms as possible, but cannot commit to anything beyond Windows PC until we are sure there are sufficient demand and resources to do so.

Are Linux servers planned?


Will you support AMD’s FSR (FidelityFX Super Resolution)?

Yes. We already support NVIDIA’s DLSS and are hoping to also support AMD’s FSR soon.

Are updated sounds/animations/items/UI on the way?

Of course! GROUND BRANCH is still in Early Access, which means a considerable part of the game is a work in progress (WIP). That includes features that are still to be added or only partially implemented, as well as placeholder content.

💡 See our roadmap for a frequently updated list of planned features.


Is a campaign planned?

GROUND BRANCH’s campaign will not follow a linear storyline, but instead consist of “hot spots” located around the globe to where you will be able to deploy. Each hot spot may consist of a single mission or a string of a few missions that are linked together, with objectives in earlier missions possibly influencing the conditions of later ones.

Will GROUND BRANCH be tight CQB-oriented like Rainbow Six, or more focused on open areas like Ghost Recon?

It will depend on the map and mission in question: some will offer tighter close-quarters combat, while others will be more focused on outdoor areas. We’re trying to get a good mix of both types of environment in the game.

In what way is GROUND BRANCH different from other tactical or (semi-)realistic military-themed shooters?

GROUND BRANCH is a realistic infantry-based tactical shooter. That means smaller maps and a much smaller scope than offered by an open-world military sandbox game like Arma, but it also means a more focused game, with action similar to the aforementioned classic Rainbow Six and Ghost Recon series.

The paramilitary and clandestine nature of the work done by the SAC/SOG Ground Branch also makes it very different from police-themed tactical shooters like SWAT and Ready or Not.

How deep is customization?

Currently, players can select their character’s basic appearance (head), hair, and facial hair, as well as their entire outfit and loadout: headgear, facewear, eyewear, top, pants, footwear, gloves, platform vest, primary weapon and sidearm.

  • Most headgear, vests, belts and weapons items allow for attachments
  • Individual pouches (placeable on vests and belts) determine what is carried into the game
  • Weapon attachments can be placed on any slot of the accessory rails, with few restrictions
  • Most outfit and gear items also have various skin selections (both solid colors and camouflage)

Will we be able to control a squad of AI teammates?

Yes. The single player experience will allow players to control a small team of 4–8 personnel (to be determined).

How many players are supported online?

Multiplayer currently supports 16 players in either co-op (PvE) or adversarial (PvP) game modes.

💡 We'll eventually restrict co-op to 8 players maximum, as 16 players on a single team isn't compatible with the game's vision and map sizes.

Is melee combat a planned feature?

GROUND BRANCH will have a basic muzzle jab. More advanced melee is not planned at this time.

Are there plans for a medical system?

While no in-depth medical system is planned, players will be able to administer first aid to teammates (to prevent them from bleeding out) and possibly even retain some of their combat effectiveness after less serious injuries. We would also like to have the ability to drag or carry fallen team members to safety.

Will GROUND BRANCH have blood and gore?

To some extent:

  • Blood effects like hit impact “puffs”, wound decals and surface splatter are currently in the game
  • Blood pools under dead bodies is planned
  • Detailed and more extreme gore like dismemberment is not planned

Although we feel like realistic violence can add depth and a sense of real consequence to more serious games, it more often than not ends up looking goofy rather than shocking and becomes banalized over time. Realistic gore also demands resources that are better applied to more vital areas of the game.

What is the Ready Room?

Think of the Ready Room as a “physical” multiplayer lobby where you can kit up, see what your teammates are carrying, test weapon configurations in a firing range, plan your approach and jointly select insertion points.

Will there be a planning phase?

Although the Ready Room will allow planning with other players online, there won’t be a dedicated planning phase with waypoints and go-codes for your AI team like in the old Rainbow Six games. Instead, expect something like the command map in the original 2001 Ghost Recon, used for on-the-fly orders.

Will the game support mods?

Yes. GROUND BRANCH is being developed with full mod support in mind and currently supports weapon mods, game modes and patches officially. For more information, please see our Modding Wiki and Steam Workshop.

Further mod support will be implemented as we flesh out the systems and plugin requirements, integrate with mod platforms, create/improve tools and so on.

Will there be a map editor?

Maps can be built using the freely distributed Unreal Engine 4 (v4.27) in preparation for the availability of our Software Development Kit (SDK).

Will GB have TrackIR support? How about VR?

Basic support for head-tracking and VR head-mounted displays (HMD) is planned, although not a priority. However, do not expect VR support to entail a full-fledged VR experience in the vein of Onward.

Why is night vision blurry? How am I supposed to aim with NVG on?

Night vision devices, also known as NODs (night observation devices), have fixed focal ranges, meaning they can’t keep all ranges in focus simultaneously. Since maintaining the immediate surroundings in focus would blur out everything beyond a couple meters, operators typically set the focus on their NODs to mid- to distant ranges. This blurs out nearby objects, but allows effectiveness in most common combat ranges. To work around that effect, you should:

  • Make sure you have an AN/PEQ-15 equipped and use the IR (infrared) laser for aiming. Infrared beams are only visible through NODs.
  • Use red dot or holographic sights, as they maintain reticle focus even through night vision.
  • If you need a magnified optic, mount the AN/PVS-22 UNS (Universal Night Sight) directly in front of your desired scope to essentially turn it into a night vision scope.

Why is the night vision FOV so restricted? It looks like I’m wearing a single-tube setup rather than a dual-tube one.

As illustrated in the video below, dual-tube night vision goggles offer an almost perfect circular view when properly aligned:

In real life, the main advantage of dual-tube designs over single-tube is not FOV but rather stereoscopic vision: a sense of depth and three-dimensionality derived from both eyes registering a scene from two slightly different angles.

Why are my shots hitting “low” (i.e. below my aiming point)?

Unlike many shooters, bullets in GROUND BRANCH originate from the muzzle of the weapon rather than the center of the screen, meaning that the spot you’re aiming at doesn’t necessarily correspond to where your shots will hit.

Players have to account for their weapon’s mechanical offset — the distance between the barrel axis and the line of sight — as well as the zero distance — the range at which the sights of a given weapon are calibrated to coincide with the bullet’s trajectory. Typically, rifle shots will hit low at very close ranges (below 20–25 m) due to mechanical offset and also at ranges beyond the zero due to bullet drop.

💡 Each weapon and sight combination will have its own mechanical offset and default zero.
💡 GROUND BRANCH is setup to allow for custom zeros in the future.


How much content is in the game?

GROUND BRANCH currently features the following content:

  • Maps
    • 12 “full-fledged” maps
    • 3 arenas
    • A training complex (The Farm)
    • Dynamic time-of-day (TOD) makes any map playable at any time of the day, with dynamic moon phases and sun angles based on real-life data for each map location and deployment date
  • Game modes
    • All game modes are highly customizable, from enemy counts to objective locations 
    • PvE game modes (Lone Wolf or online co-op)
      • Terrorist Hunt
      • Intel Retrieval
      • Defuse
    • PvP game modes
      • Hostage Rescue
      • Deathmatch / Team Deathmatch
      • Team Elimination
      • Defend
      • Dynamic Take and Secure (DTAS)
  • Arsenal
    • Over 30 weapons with over 50 unique attachments
    • Includes pistols, shotguns, submachine guns, assault rifles and carbines, battle rifles, sniper rifles, DMRs (designated marksman rifles) and machine guns
    • Weapon customization includes various scopes (low- to high-power, fixed and variable), red dot and holographic sights, backup iron sights, lights, laser modules, foregrips, risers, rail covers and suppressors
    • The upcoming Special Purpose slot will allow equipping special-purpose weapons such as breaching shotguns
  • Character customization
    • 12 characters (6 male, 6 female) of various backgrounds with customizable hairstyles
    • Customizable headgear, eyewear, facewear, top, pants, footwear, gloves, vest, primary weapon and sidearm (more categories to come)
    • Countless combinations of outfits and gear with several skins to choose from (both solid color and camouflage)
💡 This is not a final list and more content is continually being added to the game.

Will country flag patches make a comeback? Why were they removed?

With the exception of country flags representing the development team, most country flag patches were removed because we grew tired of dealing with player outcry over the flag selection.

Although they will not be re-added officially, they have already been re-created and expanded upon via mods.

Will there be less/non-lethal weapons?

Some less-lethal weaponry such as flashbangs are already in the game and we may include more. However, due to the nature of the unit portrayed in the game, we are not planning on diving into more law enforcement-oriented equipment like ballistic shields, rubber bullets, tear gas etc.

Can we have the [insert weapon or gear suggestion]?

Please keep in mind that we are a small team of developers with limited resources, so choices have to be made. We are open to suggestions, but can not simply include everyone’s favorite weapon. You would have to convince us with some good reasoning while keeping the game’s scope, setting and functionality in mind.

How come you have the [insert obscure item] but not the [insert more commonly found item]?

The current selection of weapons and gear is not fully representative of the final game, with some items having been added as stand-ins, or being left-overs from an earlier stage in development. Conversely, there are several pieces of equipment we would like to have in GROUND BRANCH that we do not yet have a model of. So hang in there: as we progress, we’ll be refining the gear selection to ensure a good balance of both confirmed/proven and plausible equipment.

Can larger maps be expected?

Much like with our current maps, sizes will vary but are expected to be no larger than 800 × 800 meters.


How do you switch between different sights?

To alternate sights, simply scroll up/down on your Mouse Wheel while aiming down the sights (default Right Mouse Button).

Why can’t I see my weapon?

Check if one of the following is happening:

  • Your weapon is slung or holstered. Press 1 to equip your slung primary weapon or 2 to unholster your sidearm.
  • Your primary weapon is at the Low Ready position. Scroll up with the Mouse Wheel to bring it to the Ready position (and again if you want to bring it to High Ready).
  • Your sidearm is at Close Ready. The sidearm’s equivalent to the Ready position is the Close Ready, in which the pistol is held close to the character’s chest. To bring it forward, aim down the sights (default Right Mouse Button).
  • You are not carrying a weapon. If pressing either 1 or 2 doesn’t bring up a primary or secondary weapon respectively, you may have simply deployed without one equipped, or accidentally dropped it (default J).

What do you use the unique weapon positions for?

GB’s unique off-target weapon positions (Low Ready and High Ready) can be useful in several ways:

  • Arm/strength control Keeping your weapon pointed forward or aimed will drain arm strength, increasing weapon sway over time. The off-target positions prevent that effect and also allow your character’s virtual arms to rest.
  • As a safety measure — They prevent “flagging” friendlies and reduce the chances of negligent discharges.
  • Visual communication — They convey to other players that you’re not engaging enemies — possibly due to your sector being clear — and may also signal that you’re on their team if you suddenly meet during combat.
  • Movement speed — High Ready and Low Ready allow for slightly faster movement when compared to Ready and Engaged (Aiming Down Sights).
  • Silhouette awareness — Pointing your weapon up or down may reduce your silhouette and the chances of being detected in certain situations.
  • Roleplaying/simulation: Gameplay aspects aside, the more dedicated role-players and mil-sim enthusiasts can simply enjoy the extra weapon positions at their disposal for that extra tacticool factor.


How do I host a server?

To set up your own free dedicated server, follow one of these guides: [1][2] Need help? Join our Discord and leave a post in the #server-support channel; one of our tech-savvy members will be sure to chime in eventually.

💡 If you prefer, you may also rent a professional hosting solution from one of our partners:

To host you own listen server:

  1. In the main menu, click Host Game and setup your lobby as you prefer (make sure to set player limit to accommodate all the players you want to host!)
  2. To invite friends into your lobby, press Shift + Tab to bring up the Steam Community Overlay
  3. Select a friend from your Friends list and select Invite to Play/Game. If they accept, they will be brought into your lobby
  4. To change maps or use any admin functionalities, press Esc and select Admin Panel at the top menu (alternatively, open the console (~ or NumPad *), type admin and press Enter).

› My game won’t start!
› My loadouts won’t save!

If you have any of the above issues, make sure your antivirus or firewall software isn’t blocking the game. If you find that it is, add the GroundBranch.exe launcher to your security software’s list of allowed applications.

› Menus and buttons aren’t responding to my clicks!
› My aim and character are moving by themselves!

Make sure you don’t have any additional input devices (such as controllers) interfering with the game.

I’m having issues with controls/loadouts/assets/settings after an update.

We strongly recommend players coming from an older version of the game to delete all files located in %LOCALAPPDATA%\GroundBranch\Saved\Config\WindowsNoEditor (copy and paste the underlined path into your File Explorer address bar and hit Enter to go to folder).

For those who can afford it, a full reinstall isn’t a bad idea either: it may fix broken/missing features introduced in the latest version, as well as issues with controls, loadouts, assets and settings.

Why do I keep lagging/rubberbanding even on low-ping servers?

Make sure your max frame rate (under Settings › Video) is set to an appropriate value: do not leave the field empty nor at a too high value.

I have found a bug or issue. What should I do?

While in-game, press Esc and look for the Bugs & Issues button at the top-right of the screen. Please be as accurate and thorough as possible to make our job of correcting the issue easier!

How do I access DevTest builds?

DevTest builds are versions of the game that require internal testing before being released publicly. They are prone to issues and often unstable. At this time, we only provide DevTest access to a small group of testers.

What is the CTE?

CTE (Community Test Environment) is a deprecated version of the game meant for testing upcoming versions of the game for a certain period before release. The CTE was a separate install of the game, with its own application on the Steam library.

Due to player confusion, we have retired it in favor of Steam’s opt-in beta branches for community testing. Because Steam does not remove existing items from one’s library, you may still see the CTE listed if you purchased the game before it was retired.

💡 To hide the CTE from your library: right-clickManageHide this game

What are beta branches? How do I join community testing?

Beta branches on Steam are separate game builds that users can opt in to. In the case of GROUND BRANCH, we use these branches for both closed testing and public (community) testing.

Whenever we are somewhat close to a major release, we make an announcement everywhere with instructions for players to opt in to the public testing if they wish. If you’re curious about whether there’s a community test happening now, check our Community Hub news.

I have a question or issue that was not answered or resolved with this FAQ. Please help!

Reach out via one of the places below and you’re likely to get your answer from us or a community member: