BUILD UPDATE #022: Patch 1029.2

Build Update #022 is here with version 1029.2, a hotfix patch that should take care of the connectivity issues that have been keeping multiplayer rather broken, as well as a few other miscellaneous fixes.

› This is a crucial update for online play!

If you’re a server admin, be sure to update your dedicated server. In other news…

🔥 SALE: Save 25% on GROUND BRANCH 🔥

This year’s Steam® Lunar New Year Sale will run from January 23rd (1pm EST / 6pm GMT) to January 27th, during which time GROUND BRANCH will be 25% OFF.

Spread the word, maybe even gift a copy, and let’s get that player count up!

⚠️ Coming from a previous version of the game? Issues with controls, loadouts, assets or settings?

We strongly recommend players coming from an older version of the game to delete all files located in %LOCALAPPDATA%/GroundBranch/Saved/Config/WindowsNoEditor (paste file path onto your File Explorer address bar and hit Enter to go to folder).

For those who can afford it, we suggest a full reinstall: it may fix broken/missing features introduced in this version, as well as issues with controls, assets, settings and even performance. To ensure a clean reinstall, you need to manually delete all files located in …/steamapps/common/Ground Branch and %LOCALAPPDATA%/GroundBranch/%UserProfile%/Documents/GroundBranch/

⚠️ Update your dedicated server

All dedicated servers must be updated to work with the current version. Make sure yours is updated so players can enjoy the latest version of GROUND BRANCH!

Fixes and changes

Server connectivity
  • Being stuck while requesting rules, servers requiring frequent restarts and other related connectivity issues have been fixed. As always, thanks for all the reports that helped Kris zero in on the problem and purge it.
  • A bug in the enemy A.I. perception has been mitigated to make it more reactive, particularly at close quarters. Their detection at range may have been compromised in the process, but we haven’t been able to determine for sure. (We opted to not hold the connectivity fix back any longer, so we’ll be fixin and tweakin’ this bit of the A.I. as we go.)
  • Hitting Cancel when requesting rules now stops the request and removes the overlay instead of kicking you back to the Main Menu.
  • [Online] Sidearm holsters are once again visible.
  • General cleanup on Depot map—mainly collision and things that defied gravity.
  • Bushes have been optimized for better collision and overdraw.
  • Tweaked placement of the suppressor on the M17 pistol to line up properly.
  • [Online] Magazines make a sound again when dropped, and only become interactive (i.e. able to picked up) after they collide with something.
  • FIxed SDASS Custom not cycling the action when firing mid-reload.
  • Updated old Breaching Charge blueprints to ensure the correct number of charges is carried.

What’s next?

Big update 1030 is still under development and we’re estimating to have it ready within the next few months. Version 1030 is set to bring in all-new character assets (arms, apparel, camos…), new animations by seasoned Arma 3 community modeller and animator Toadie—as well as the accompanying actions/functions for them—and other sweet stuff like new gear, ambient map sounds, and more.

We’ll get an Intel Update or two out in the meantime to keep everyone posted and provide some sneak peeks. Stay tuned!

This has been Build Update #024!

If you missed our last update, be sure to check it out here as it has some important news and some nice previews.

Don’t forget to keep in touch with us and the GROUND BRANCH community via Discord, the Steam® Community HubRedditTwitterInstagram or Facebook—hit us up and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can. For those with a lot questions and not enough answers, we’ve also put out an official FAQ that’s well worth checking ou

Be safe, be well, and we’ll see you on the next one.

—The BlackFoot Studios Team

Version info & change log

Game version: 1029.2


Steam Build ID: —
Size: — MB

Dedicated server

Steam Build ID: —
Size: — MB


* FIXED Depot issues
    * Possible to get into river at boat spawn
    * Large rocks around river area do not extend into ground
    * Various trees not properly grounded and sticking above terrain
    * Hovering wall section above ground
    * Barrels hovering above ground
    * Electrical box hovering above ground
    * Various places getting stuck on collision along river edge
    * Various large rocks no properly grounded with terrain
* FIXED M17 suppressor not lined up properly
* FIXED missing polygons in end of Depot bridge (remade section)
* FIXED wall clipping issues on User Arena 2 map
* FIXED map list generator using "GameMode" instead of the "Game" to specify which game mode class a map should use
* FIXED Admin UI not displaying message overlay when executing a command or filling a request
    * For whatever reason, the existing version would not be visible on screen no matter what you did (replacing it with a copy of the pre-connect overlay used by the server browser fixed the problem)
* FIXED encoding/decoding GBHolster in relation to replication
* FIXED Server Browser filtering by game mode
* FIXED being able to place the EBR Extended Rail on another EBR Extended Rail
* FIXED WBP_UseItemMenu overriding mouse left/right, causing mag dumps if used while firing
* FIXED dropped magazines not being interactive or making noise on client due to previous changes to GBDroppedItem class


* Optimized polygons on bush models for better line check collision and reduced overdraw


* added info to RelativePriority >= EBTNodeRelativePriority::Same error in UBehaviorTreeComponent::RequestExecution()
* cleaned up and named all Blackboard Based Condition decorators in attempt to locate buggy bEnemyLOS one
* removed duplicate Has bEnemyLOS? decorator – hope it doesn't break the BT
* updated FSightGroup::AddSight() to add IsValidLowLevel() check to each GroupdSightComponent, as they keep getting GC'd or something while be added

* updated GBFirearm
    * added IsLowLevelCheck() checks to GroupedSightComponents usage
    * added FMath::Max() check to prevent possible divide by zero in FSightGroup::AddSight().
* added additional logging to AGBGameSession::ApproveLogin() to help track connection issue
* modified AGBGameMode::PreLogin() 
    * now call Supe::PreLogin() before call GBGameSession->ApproveLogin(), if error message is empty
    * added additional logging to help track connection issue
* updated WBP_ServerBrowser
    * added timeout when getting rules to auto-fail after 10–15 seconds
    * hitting cancel when requesting rules now stops the requests and removes the overlay instead of kicking you back to the Main Menu
* added hack to UZKMapList::Init() to replace usage of "GameMode" with "Game" in existing map list entries
* added bGameModeParamRequired member variable to UZKSettings class
    * Makes sure that "Game=<game mode class>" is always included in any command related to changing the map
    Defaults to true. Made optional so that if the plugin is used with a game that only has one game mode etc., it'll skip the check
* updated UZKCommands::HandleChangeMap( ) to check if "Game" option exists before allowing command to execute if bGameModeParamRequired is true
* updated UZKMapList::GetNextMapListEntry() to check if "Game" option exists in an entry before considering it as valid if bGameModeParamRequired is true
* updated UZKMapList::StartMapList() to use the first valid map entry instead of the first entry
* updated UZKAdmin::FileRequest() to return true if the request is valid, but there are no lines to return
* updated GBPouch encode/decode implementation based on recent changes to GBHolster
* updated BP_BreachingCharge & BP_Pouch_BreachingCharge
    * cleaned up or removed old logic
    * moved handling of detonator to pouch
    * made sure detonator exists when pouch is decoded or refilled
* moved AGBItem::OnBeingDropped() call to GBDroppedItem class so that it is called on both the server and client
* updated GBFriearm
    * created OnBeingDropped() so that client has a chance to force audio loops to end when firearm is dropped (in case OnBeingUnequipped() fails)
    * updated OnRemovedFromCharacter() to ensure that SetRecoilCount() is call on the OldParentCharacter
* updated AM_Reload_PumpAction to try and improve pump action reload syncing
* updated BP_SDASS_Martial
    * added timer when fired without hand on foregrip that will loop back to pump when hand has been placed back on the foregrip.
    * forced reload to always use ChamberSingleRound due to the ChamberRound section always failing to sync properly :(

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