What’s going on, everybody?
We got another Intel Update for you, and this month we have news and showcases for both V1033 — our next major update — as well as a little preview of something that will be coming later on (V1034 or later). Don’t forget you can always get an overview of what’s on the way via our Roadmap.
As announced in late September, GROUND BRANCH is now available on NVIDIA’s cloud gaming service GeForce NOW (GFN).
Earlier this month, we also fixed an issue with GFN players losing keybinds, game/video options and listen server configurations upon ending a play session. These settings were all set to save to the Steam Cloud, so everything is now kept safe.
News for V1033
Here’s what we have this month for our upcoming major release V1033.
Pistol red dots, new models and stuff
V1033 will finally allow you to mount a mini red dot sight (such as the RMR) to pistols that are fit for it. At this time, that includes both G19 models, the MK25 and the M17.

We have also added a new mini red dot sight, the Docter II, commissioned to Cody Cudmore:
As mentioned in the last update, we have also ordered an A2-style AR carry handle, as well as a brand-new M16A4 model that better matches up with the other AR-15 models both in quality and scale. The Bipod Grip is also receiving a new model. Here’s a screenie with all of that stuff put together:
While we’re talking popular demand, we’ve made the SMG/PDW pouches into doubles so you can carry as much ammo for them as you can for rifles:
Selectable shoothouse layouts
Running the shoothouse (sometimes killhouse) on The Farm is always fun, but it can get stale with the fixed floorplan/layout.
In V1033, players will be able to choose between a number of different layouts (5 at the time of counting) — including the old layout last seen in V1030’s “Killhouse” training level — via the Target App display, right next to the shoothouse’s entrance:

💡 We'll continue to expand on shoothouse layouts and functionality as we progress.
In case you’re wondering, the existing layout (currently in V1032) remains as the first option.
Server quality of life
One of our tasks this update is server quality of life. This mostly means a lot of little fixes and features to try and make server admins’ lives easier, but there are also some improvements to the online experience for regular players.
Let’s look at a first example, the Kit Restrictions menu in the Admin Panel:
This is being wrapped up now, and should allow server admins more easily to set up restrictions for the skins that different teams can use on their kit, for ease of friendly vs. enemy identification.
Another feature that has long been requested is the favorite servers feature. The UI has been there for a while, but finally it has been rigged up:
This feature is tied into Steam directly, so you can view and manage your favorite servers offline within Steam as well:
Another change that has been made is to allow server admins to specify a “message of the day” text that can be displayed as usual with the admin motd
console command, while simultaneously displaying an image on the server info board (via the new <text> tag). Changes made by admins to the message of the day or server name will also propagate immediately to all users. It’s the little things.
As mentioned last month, V1033 will be bringing callsigns: short IDs by which players may be more easily identified.
Callsigns are displayed as their own arm patches (though only on tops that have a velcro patch) and are limited to three alphanumeric characters (A–Z and 0–9) which can be entirely custom — within limits — or use an automatically assigned Team Element-based value (e.g. “A-01” if you’re first man on element Alpha); the latter can be forced for all players by server admins.

Various UI elements have now been updated to include the new callsign system, and as part of the server quality-of-life upgrade, server admins can do whatever player name and callsign validation they wish via a new server management mutator packaged into a mod.
The specific format of these callsigns can also be chosen by the server owner.
Maps and game modes
Docks missions
All game modes are now made for the new Docks map, including the most complex Intel Retrieval setup so far. Some more limited Deathmatch areas have been created, and DTAS (Dynamic Take and Secure) should be a very interesting tactical proposition on this map.
Uplink should be a challenge for defenders and attackers alike, and both Terrorist Hunt and Team Elimination will of course also be present.
Depot overhaul
The Depot overhaul continues, and as the teasers below show, it’s proving to be a pretty massive one. Can you tell which areas of the V1032 version these angles correspond to?
The updated Depot will also require a game modes and acoustics update in order to account for the design changes.
Ready Room hints
Though not directly related to level design, we have also made some updates aimed at new players, with revamped hints in more prominent places, as well as “in-world” Ready Room hints to make things as clear as possible about where to go and what to do to start your first GROUND BRANCH game.
All hints are temporary and disappear after the first few sessions, though they can be reset under Settings › Gameplay to start appearing like at first launch.
Hostage Rescue (PvP) and Terrorist Hunt improvements
While we are working on a PvP Hostage Rescue game mode, we are not ignoring the PvE modes.
Besides the AI improvements discussed in Intel Report #011, the Terrorist Hunt mode is being refined with two new features that we’re currently testing:
- On some larger maps, a new “AI hotspot” feature will be available where certain areas of the map spawn a larger-than-usual number of enemies, providing more of a focus and a challenge
- The return of the “bum rush” feature, in which the last few enemies on a map just can’t take it any more, and attempt to charge down the remaining players — hopefully reducing the incidence of “where’s that last damn bot?”
As the long process of audio optimization continues, Mikson has put a little time aside to record a short preview of the new gunshot tails for large interior spaces, which you can check out below:
Beyond V1033
Some features are an ongoing development that might see their beginnings well before they’re ready for the public.
Such is the case of friendly AI, whose first steps were teased last month even though it’s at least a couple of updates away from an initial playable iteration. Gotta let you all know it’s being worked on, right?
So this month we’re showcasing some of the upcoming female characters and related assets that we’ve been working with Pau Peñalver to have ready for V1034 (tentatively!). Let’s take a look:
As ever, keep in mind that although these renders are made with “game-ready” geometry and textures (as opposed to high-poly and super resolutions), they do not reflect the final in-game look due to the lighting.
That’s all for today’s Intel Report!
Thanks for keeping up with GROUND BRANCH’s development, and have an awesome rest of the week.
See you on the next one!
3 thoughts on “<b>Intel Report #013:</b> October News”
New depot looks like something outta Tarkov or stalker and I’m so on board. Keep up the good stuff!
When the next update will be available on steam?
Current target for the release is end of the year.
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