
CTE UPDATE #003: 1030 Testing

⚠️ NOTICE ⚠️
This update will completely wipe your saved game settings, but not your item builds. That is necessary to ensure certain updates do not conflict with old files. Sorry for the inconvenience!

CTE Update #003 is, we hope, the final testing build for version 1030. There have been plenty of optimization passes and bug fixes, some content and effects updates, UI/HUD improvements and more. Let’s go over the highlights:

What’s new

Performance optimization

Dynamic lighting and maps have received several optimization passes to improve framerates on all systems. Remember to let us know how the game performs for you now—along with your system specs!


  • Optimization, cleanup and art pass on all maps.
  • Creek should now have less instances of hitting invisible barriers and being detected behind cover/concealment.
  • 747 now has a ladder behind the small hangar leading to a roof platform.
  • Power switch boxes will now be disabled if damaged, causing the power to be cut off.

Systems and mechanics

Weapon handling
  • Weapon sway has been updated with a more subtle effect:
    • Low arm strength is represented by a jitter that gets more pronounced over time.
    • Low stamina will add an up/down breathing motion to the mix.
  • You can now use the Steady Aim function by holding the Sprint key (default Ctrl) while stationary to temporarily stabilize your weapon.
  • Most weapon attachments now have a weight value set, which should have some effect on weapon inertia, arm strength depletion and overall stamina.
  • Most non-apparel character assets (e.g. helmets and armor) and equipment (binoculars, explosives) have also received a weight value.
Weapon customization
  • Offset rails should now only accept appropriate sights: backup iron sights and low-mount mini red dots (e.g. RMR, Micro T-1).
  • Scope rails (for “piggybacking” optics) should similarly only accept low-mount mini red dot sights.
  • The MP5 RIS handguard now accepts the AN/PEQ-15.
  • The last few AI enemies—depending on how many were set—will now rush to the player’s position. (Note that they may get stuck on the map!)
  • You may now display your framerate (Settings > Video > Show Framerate) and net info (Settings > Gameplay > Show Net Info) in the top-left corner of the screen. (Note: Show Framerate might cause your resolution to be reset.)
  • Time of day is now randomized at map load. (It can still be set in the Ops Board, but won’t be always set to 1200 hours unless changed.)
  • AFK detection system: After 2 minutes of inactivity, players will get a prompt. Failure to respond to it will result in them being removed from the mission area and sent back to the Ready Room.
  • When playing online, you can now select the Mute AllMute Talking and Unmute All shortcuts at the bottom of the screen.
  • You can now drop (default J) and pick up more types of items, such as grenades.


  • Ambiences for City (first pass) and Creek.
  • Improvements in acoustics on City, 747, Creek, Depot and Ready Room.
  • Improved/new gunshots for M4A1, MK18 (work-in-progress), M416D, AK-74M, AKM, MK48, SVD (work-in-progress), MK14, FAL, MP5, UMP45, G19, MK25, M9A3, M17 and M1911.
  • Gunshots and placeholder reload sounds for M110 and M110K1.
  • Breathing sounds for breath control and fatigue (the latter stopped working a while ago—needs fixing).
  • First pass on the general gunshot mix update (mainly levels).

New assets

  • The M110 and M110K1 semi-auto rifles have been added to the sniper rifle/DMR class. Variants of the venerable KAC SR-25, they both fire 7.62 mm NATO rounds from a 20-round magazine. (Known issue: They cannot attach a suppressor yet.)
  • The Rangefinder has been added to the Equipments pouch tab. Proper functionality is yet to be implemented; it currently works just like the regular Binoculars, but has a Night Vision mode accessible via the Reload key (default R).
  • New suppressor for 9 mm pistols.
  • New AK suppressor (generic placeholder).
  • New NVG (AN/PVS-15) model. (The accompanying mount/arm has yet to be implemented.)
  • New PMAG magazine.
  • New skins:
    • Indigo and Black (Jeans)
    • Tan (Headset)
    • Coyote Brown (T-Shirt)

Visual updates

  • Temporal antialiasing (Temporal AA or TAA) now uses new default parameters to create a sharper image that vastly improves on the blurriness of the regular effect, although it may also negate the smoothing where it may be desired. You can tweak these settings via these lines in your Engine.ini file (located in %LOCALAPPDATA%/GroundBranch/Saved/Config/WindowsNoEditor). We encourage everyone to try different values and let us know how it looks and performs:
  • Blood effects now include impact mist and surface splatter.
  • Tac lights have a new, more authentic effect. The brightness output and color temperature is also slightly different between each model and based on real-life values.
  • There should be less instances of red dot/holo reticles not being visible against backgrounds. Some sights also have less brightness steps—subject to change. (Known issue: reticle brightness changes may not be noticeable on some lighting conditions and sights.)
  • Many assets have received a color and brightness correction:
    • Items that were previously grayish, particularly weapons, should now appear darker and closer to their real-life color.
    • Skins now more closely resemble their real-life counterparts and should better match other items of the same color.
  • The MK18 Mod 1 now uses the more authentic FDE (flat dark earth) handguard color regardless of the skin selection. (Known issue: AN/PEQ-15 units mounted on them no longer switch to the tan version.)
  • The MK25 pistol now has a threaded barrel.

User Interface (UI)

  • Updated Customize Operator screen:
    • The Loadout section (under Weapons Kit) gives players a summary of all ammo, ordnance and equipment in the loadout.
    • First pass on the Encumbrance meter – Gives players a rough idea of whether the loadout is “Light”, “Medium” or “Heavy” in terms of encumbrance on a scale of 5 to 55 kg. Each of the three weight categories is currently only a simple abstraction, and there’s no actual upper limit on how much the player can carry.
    • Minor art/style pass on various elements.
  • The Spectator Mode now has a minimap that tracks the position of friendly players in the map.
  • The HUD stance indicator has been updated with new icons that display all weapon positions as well as character stances:
    • Leaning is no longer displayed (unnecessary at this point and at odds with the much more useful weapon position indicators).
    • Gameplay settings have yet to be updated to allow the player to control which icons to display. (They still only allow the option for Standing and Crouched.)
  • Updated VOIP (Local and Radio) icons.
  • Fixed/updated the display names for all skins to be consistent across items.
  • Ensured the full display name for item skins (within menu selection) and their short version (visible in the selection swatch triangle) were also consistent.
  • Updated pop-up Hints.
  • Updated Default Controls screen layout. (You can also disable it now under Settings > Gameplay.)
  • Minor art pass on HUD interaction prompts for better readability and a less intrusive appearance.
  • Minor art pass on the Attachments radial menu.

Known issues

  • Dynamic lighting on maps is still a work in progress. You are likely to see issues with sudden eye adaptation and exposure changes—among other issues—so please bear with us!
  • Spectator Mode (shortcut: F6) may display no lighting scenario and/or a pitch-black sky.
  • Pouches for the Plate Carrier are not switching to their tan skin variation when that would be the best match for the vest.
  • Headsets are similarly not matching the skin of some headgear items.
  • Helmets that use the ARC rail version of the Headset attachment are using the regular version instead.

CTE Update #002: 1030 Testing

We got a new update out for GROUND BRANCH CTE.

Not sure what GROUND BRANCH CTE is? Click here.

This is a relatively small update, so we’ll simply list the main things to look out for, test and give us feedback on.

What’s new?

  • Engine changes to load additional DLLs required by Steam dedicated servers. This should make dedicated servers usable again, but we need broader testing to make sure, so let us know and be sure to hop on our Discord if you need help setting yours up.
  • Improved server/client loadout sync logic.
  • Refactored item skin handling to fix various 1030 issues and prepare for 1031 changes.
  • Updated pickup logic to handle no-dump-pouch situations better.
  • First pass on new Spectator Mode overlay.
  • Optimization pass on maps Tanker Ship, 747 and Creek.
  • More level design work on Creek.
  • Lots of lighting bugs fixed on City, 747, Small Town, Power Station and Tanker Ship.
  • MPX underbarrel attachments fixed.
  • Added controllable Time of Day to training maps. To change it, use the newly placed Ops Boards.
  • Various UI/HUD element updates, changes and improvements.

CTE Update #001: 1030 Testing

⚠️ NOTICE ⚠️
These release notes are for the 1030 testing build, not to be confused with the actual (and upcoming) 1030 release.

If you have been looking closely, you may have noticed a new app showing right underneath the regular GROUND BRANCH entry in your Steam Library:

GROUND BRANCH CTE (Community Test Environment) is a separate install for those who want to test updates before the actual, official release.

Test updates may be less stable versions of the game and will generally require further testing and feedback before they go out to a larger audience. They may also contain feature ideas and game modes that may or may not make it into a main update or the final game, so keep that in mind when playing!

If you own GROUND BRANCH, you automatically own the CTE and are free to install it at any moment.

The advantage of having a separate install of the game for testing purposes (instead of using a Beta branch) is that you can always switch between versions without having to re-download. CTE too buggy? Simply close it and launch the regular game. Don’t want to worry about possibly unstable/buggy updates? Then save some storage space and keep only the regular game install. Want to compare versions? You can do so much more quickly with separate installs.

Today, we are rolling out our first actual CTE release: a testing build for the upcoming 1030 release. Before we get into what this update entails, a little disclaimer: Because CTE Build Updates will be more common, they will also be more concise and stripped-down than our usual release notes. If you’re looking for pretty pictures and prose, stand by for the official 1030 release!

What’s new


Encumbrance System (first pass)
Stamina and weapon control
  • Added weapon sway, which is affected by arm strength and overall stamina levels. Currently a basic “V” pattern, weapon sway can be reduced by crouching.
  • Sway will increase over time as players remain in the Ready and Engaged (ADS) positions, draining arm strength. Go to Low/High Ready to recover.
  • Heavier weapon builds should deplete arm strength faster than lighter ones, and thus cause sway to increase faster.
  • Heavier builds also cause increased weapon inertia effect when turning rapidly, making it harder to get it on target.
  • Overall stamina is depleted by actions such as running, sprinting, jumping and climbing.
  • Currently, low stamina levels will prevent jumping and climbing.
Inertia and acceleration
  • Player inertia will cause your character to take a few steps before coming to a full stop after a sprint or run. It can currently be countered by walking in the opposite direction (e.g. pressing default [S] after sprinting forward).
  • Added a brief acceleration period before getting into a full sprint.

User Interface (UI)

  • First pass on the new Customize Operator screen layout.
  • You can now edit items straight from the loadout overview screen by clicking the cog/gear ⚙️ icon in the bottom-right corner of each item slot.
  • Preset/kit saving: quickly save or load a Profile (Name + Appearance + Facial Hair), Weapons Kit (Primary + Secondary), Gear Kit (Headgear + Platform + Belt + Holster) and Outfit (Eyewear + Mask + Top + Pants + Gloves + Footwear) as individual groups of items. Weapon and gear builds can still be saved individually.

Listen servers

You should now be able to host you own game lobby without the need to setup a dedicated server. To do that:

  1. In the main menu, click Host Game and setup your lobby as you prefer (make sure to set player limit to accommodate all the players you want to host!).
  2. To invite friends into your lobby, press [Shift] + [Tab] to bring up the Steam Community Overlay.
  3. Select a friend from your Friends list and select “Invite to Play/Game”. If they accept, they will be brought into your lobby.
  4. To change maps or use any admin functionalities, open the Console (default [~] or [*] in the NumPad), type admin and press [Enter].


This is the area you are most likely to see an impact on performance. We’ll be optimizing levels as we have a larger pool of users to collect feedback from, so please be patient and let us know how things are running on your specs!

  • All maps now use dynamic lighting.
  • New WIP map: Creek.
    • PvP-oriented map, but has a basic Terrorist Hunt setup available too.
  • Updated Paintball map.
  • Small Town has new and more detailed walls.
  • Interactive lights:
    • Can now be shot out.
    • Power panels outside of buildings allow the power to be cut out (currently in Small Town and Depot only!).
    • Remember: AI can still see in the dark!
  • New Ready Room:
    • Smaller and cozier.
    • Shooting range now has a workbench for easier setup testing and editing.
    • Shooting range also has a dark lane (left side) to test night vision and lights setups.
  • Time of Day (TOD) setup: select the time of day for Terrorist Hunt and PvP game modes.
    • Select a TOD from the Ops Board (where you select an insertion point).
    • TOD uses the 24-hour military time format: 0000 is midnight, 1200 is noon, 1600 is 4pm etc.


  • Several maps now have a soundscape/environment sound. Nighttime soundscapes have not been hooked up to the TOD system yet, so maps currently use daytime soundscapes.
  • First pass on acoustic portals: sounds are occluded by walls, but still audible through openings such as windows and doors.
  • Overall improved sound occlusion.


  • Added FAL (Custom) battle rifle. It currently uses existing animations.
  • Added AKM assault rifle.
  • Entirely new models for the MP5 series:
    • Include a RIS handguard for the standard MP5.
    • Rear sight drum is now of the open “V-notch” type (easier to use in-game than the peep variation).
  • New model for the M4A1 rifle:
    • Uses the standard M4 stock, 14.5″ barrel and KAC RAS handguard.

Known issues

  • Scopes and other magnified optics display a much brighter image than the regular map view. It may also have other visual artifacts.
  • Skin selection for Headgear items will not apply.
  • The Customize Operator UI may display the wrong skin texture, skin name and/or icon for some items.
  • In multiplayer, weapon and character attachments may become stuck/duplicated in the Customize Operator screen.
  • When playing nighttime, the game will take a few moments to load the proper lighting conditions and display the level as dark as intended.
  • The 747 livery appears to have gone black. Mysterious. Also, wink-wink. Issue appears fixed, RIP this joke.
  • Probably a lot of other issues we have not yet encountered or otherwise failed to list here. Remember that problems are expected and you are always encouraged to report them.
Keep in mind that all of the new features are a work in progress and subject to change. With that in mind, let's get that feedback going.

Change log

The changelist for this test build would be too massive to compile as it contains around 4 months worth of work. So we’re gonna have to skip it on this one and try to get one done for the next update.

See ya then!

INTEL UPDATE #006: Bad News/Good News

Alright, everyone—we got some expectation management to do.

As laid out in Intel Update #005, we’ve been struggling to get the new character rig (the skeleton) worked out and ready for the new animations and character assets, which were the core of upcoming update 1030.

So, earlier this month, we brought on board experienced freelance animator Mike Munk (a former Tripwire developer with Red Orchestra, Rising Storm and the Killing Floor series under his belt) to have a look at the new rig and help us make sure things were being done correctly and as future-proof as possible. The diagnosis wasn’t great: upon inspection, it was determined that getting the skeleton in shape—so that it won’t be a source of headaches down the road—would take several weeks; possibly a couple months.

Well, 1030 has been in the works for a long time now, and we don’t want to leave you all without a new major update for that much longer.

The silver lining

So we made a difficult decision which, in retrospect, seems kinda like a no-brainer: let’s release everything else. If it’s not dependent on the new skeleton, why not put it out there and give everyone some new stuff to start trying out? Postponing the animation and character work sucks and we’re beyond frustrated about being forced to delay the main attraction in the update, but as the old adage goes… it is what it is. Might as well make the best out of the situation, so that’s what we’re gonna do.

If we cut the animation and character work from 1030, you get a smaller update, yes, but you get it a lot earlier and have something to play with while we get the rest of the package sorted out. It also means less potential for new bugs, as well as getting older bugs (such as the VOIP randomly not working) fixed ahead of time.

What will remain in 1030?

Although we’ve been forced to push the new animations and character assets back, update 1030 will be far from underwhelming. Here’s where it currently stands (for detailed descriptions and media, see Intel Update #005):

Remaining features

Everything we’ve announced for 1030 that is not related to the character and animation rework will still be in the update:

  • [SCHEDULED] First pass on the Encumbrance System (weight and stamina).
  • [SCHEDULED] Interactive lights (shootable/switchable) – will be present in all maps instead of the announced few (Depot and training maps).
  • [SCHEDULED] 2 new multiplayer maps.
  • [SCHEDULED] Map soundscapes and updated acoustics.
  • [SCHEDULED] Tactical FAL and G3A3.

Delayed features

All character and animation-related work will be pushed back to a later update:

  • [DELAYED] New and updated character assets. They were made for the new skeleton’s specs, and therefore will have to wait.
  • [DELAYED] New and reworked animations.
  • [DELAYED] M24 SWS, due to the bolt-action poses and animations.
  • [DELAYED] Prone.
  • [DELAYED] Hit feedback.

To-be-confirmed features

These may or may not make their way into 1030:

  • [TBC] Visible gunshot wounds.
  • [TBC] Wristwatch. Relies on the new clothes (with the cuffs pulled up) to show properly with long-sleeve tops, but we may be able to try a workaround.
  • [TBC] Listen servers, a.k.a. hosting your own games without having to setup a dedicated server. (This was not a planned feature for 1030, but might be ready for it.)

We’ve also updated the Early Access roadmap to reflect these changes and other minor ones.

Some sneak peeks to make up for it (not in 1030!)

As previously shown, 3D artists Dan Conroy and Pau Peñalver have been working diligently on some new assets for GROUND BRANCH. Here is a little update on their progress:


Mr. Conroy got the gas block, gas tube, dimpled barrel and flash hider/suppressor mount done for this upcoming battle rifle/DMR. It might not seem like a whole lot of progress, but that’s because he paused work on it for a while to work on the…


More info on this later, but expect night vision and, well, rangefinding capabilities.


Pau has been working on more character assets. Here’s the new Battle Belt:

And here’s the upcoming Gun Belt (with the new, fully textured chest rigs in the back):

Magazine pouches

Lastly, here are some initial (high-poly) pouch renders:

Whelp, that’s all!

These weren’t easy news to break out, but we’re done.

We hope to have a working test build for 1030 (along with more news) soon. Rest assured we’ll keep you all posted and, as always: thank you so much for all your support and patience.

Also, remember you can always join the community and reach out via Discord, Twitter, Reddit, Instagram, Facebook and the Steam® Community Hub.

Hang in there, and we’ll see you on the next update!

—The BlackFoot Studios Team


As promised in Intel Update #005, we put some time aside to work on an updated roadmap for GROUND BRANCH.

We hadn’t had a proper one for a long time, and it was about time we sorted it out. But before we take you to it, let’s go over a few things that are important to know beforehand.

The roadmap is a general outline of upcoming features, content and improvements

It is not a final or definitive list, and it is not 100% comprehensive. Because the game is in a pre-alpha stage, our scope is relatively open-ended. As such, we will be adding items to the board as we progress, but there is a chance we may remove from it as well.

How it works

  1. The first list (READ ME) is simply an instructions column. The cards inside it explain the board.
  2. The second list (Coming Up) is for the next update, with each card representing a feature, content or improvement that is scheduled for the upcoming version of GROUND BRANCH—in this case, 1030.
  3. The third list (Near-Future) works the same as the previous one, but is for near-future updates. It currently lists likely features for updates 1031 and 1032.
  4. Subsequent lists simply contain planned features organized by category, in no particular order. Many of these cards will branch out into multiple, more detailed ones as they get closer to inclusion in an update.
  5. Cards with a text icon 𝌆 have descriptions or further details inside. Simply click/tap the card to view them.
The roadmap board is read-only for the public. There is no need to create a Trello account or login.

Hit that color label

The little capsule-shaped color labels in each card represent categories. Click/tap one and it will reveal the meaning for all of them so you get a better idea of what kind of card it is.

Got it? Alright, go look at that roadmap

It’s right here.