
INTEL UPDATE #005: Road to 1030

Oh, hello! It’s been a while. We hope you’ve been well, safe, and at home as much as possible.

Let us maintain our usual transparency and address the elephant in the room straight away:

Yes, version 1030 is taking a lot longer than expected. The aim of this Intel Update is to explain why, and also get you up to speed on what we’ve been working on. That will of course involve some well deserved previews to reward your valued patience and continued support. So let’s get to it.

Why is it taking so long?

One of the biggest deals about upcoming update 1030 are the new animations that artist Toadie has been working on. Whether they’re improving on existing motions and poses or adding to in-game actions that currently use placeholders or even nothing at all, every animation is being done on an entirely new character rig, also known as a skeleton.

As is true for many aspects of game development, things like migrating to a new skeleton, re-targeting existing animations, and then integrating the new ones by Toadie are all multi-layered tasks with a lot of parts that can break and ultimately delay the entire process. As a very small team with a single programmer (Kris), that limits us further. That limitation is starting to go away, however, but more on that in a bit—keep reading!

Is there an ETA?

In late 2019, we hoped to have 1030 released some time between February and March, and that prediction eventually turned into “hopefully March or April”. Those, of course, were rough estimates, and much of that time ended up being spent fixing lingering issues with version 1029.

Currently, the main battle is getting the new skeleton and animations to the same level of stability that 1029 had, except prettier and smoother. Although the version of the game within our internal UE4 project already has some of the new and improved animations and poses in place, there are still some very obvious issues with bone orientation and janky limbs here and there that need cleaning up.

The only honest answer to “1030 when?” is still, unfortunately, “We don’t know.” We have yet to fully figure out just how much needs doin’ in the animation department, but we can say with certainty that, at the time of this post, we’re talking weeks rather than days. Could be a few weeks (🤞), but it could be a little longer too.

What will be in 1030, after all?

Contrary to what the hype (that’s on us) may suggest, version 1030 will not be an entirely new game, but it should add a considerable degree of polish and functionality to the game. Here’s what it will boil down to:


As laid out before, a completely new character rig is being implemented and serving as the basis for all the upcoming animations. Expect actual transitions between weapon postures, new character poses for stances, some reworked reloads and a generally more natural feeling character.

We are hoping to get out the new prone stance in this update, but this is the area that is subject to the most change. Thus, it is not yet clear what state—if any—it will be in at this time.

Here’s some of the WIP animation work that Toadie has shared over the months:

And here’s an exclusive look at the (also WIP) poses and transitions for the High/Ready/Low weapon positions when obstructed, i.e. too close to an obstacle:

Like everything else in the GROUND BRANCH Early Access, animation work will be an ongoing iterative process, and 1030 will be just an initial taste of what’s to come in that department. We’ll keep adding polish, new sequences and accompanying actions for both players as well as A.I. over the course of development.

Encumbrance system

1030 will include the first iteration of the encumbrance system. This initial pass will add stamina, which is affected by both loadout weight and movement—the more you carry and the faster you move, the less stamina you’ll have. The less stamina you have, the less you will be able to sprint and the more weapon sway you will experience when aiming.

Arm fatigue is also tracked independently, so even if your stamina is at maximum levels, your aim will still become less stable over time from holding your weapon at the Ready (muzzle forward) and Engaged (ADS) positions. Heavier weapons also mean more arm fatigue, so you might want to think twice before taking an LMG or mounting a dozen attachments to your AR.

Inertia and effects on ready times are also coming, but we’ll save the details for the Build Update.


Small Town, Depot, Storage Facility and all training maps are set to have day and night soundscapes, also known as environment or ambient sounds. Our intrepid sound engineer Mikson hopes to be able to get even more maps done in time for 1030. Hell, he says he might even be able to get them all done by then. Rookie mistake, Mik, but we’re rooting for ya.

Anyway, here’s a little demo we released a few days ago:

One cool detail he’s snuck into these soundscapes are the crickets: they’ll go quiet once the player is close enough to their location, which is not only clever but also has the interesting prospect of alerting other players of one’s presence nearby. We’re cool with all of this as long as he keeps them away from our faces.

New character assets

As we have previously shown in this album right here, there’s a load of new character assets making their way into GROUND BRANCH. Most of the existing apparel (as well as arms and hands) is being replaced with new, shiny models, and a few additional items will be added as well. What we have not shown yet are these bad boys:

New PvP maps

John has put together a couple maps for PvP: one is an upgraded version of the test Paintball map…

And the other one branched out from the concept of the old Nature Area benchmark map:

Shootable/interactive lights

John has also rigged up a basic implementation of interactive lights, demonstrated in the video below:


As shown, the system will allow lights to be shot out and also switched off. Although the video uses a basic light switch for the demonstration, the switch can be anything the player interacts with to turn a given light (or a set of lights) off: a regular light switch, a lever, a distribution board…

The aim for 1030 is to have the system in place for Depot and the training maps so we can get the initial experimentation going.

New weapons

We have a few shooters coming to 1030:

  • A tac’d out FAL with accessory rails and the G3A3 are two additions to the battle rifle department, with the later mostly serving as an OPFOR weapon.
  • Now that we finally have a bolt-action animation, the M24 SWS is making its return to GROUND BRANCH as the one true sniper rifle in the armory.

Cool, so that sums up 1030. What else is going on?

We’re glad you asked. Here is some intel on things to look forward to later in development, i.e. at some point after 1030:

Dev Team expansion

As we hinted at earlier, our core BlackFoot Studios staff consisting of John, Kris, Scopey and Mikson has received some reinforcements. Toadie (aka toadie2k), as you already know, has been handling animations for the past several months.

But we have yet to officially introduce Daniel Conroy, our newest collaborator. Dan is a hard surface artist now in charge of weapon and general equipment models, having previously worked on VR shooter Onward. You can check out some of his work and background here, and you can get a load of what he’s been working on below:

Leave a comment if you know the name of this rifle. First person who can name at least 4 main parts gets the impressed Obama meme.

There are a couple additional members joining our ranks soon, but more on that at another time.

Art overhaul

A lot of what we’ve shown so far reflects the art overhaul process that will be happening over many months to come. We’ve been working hard on the details of apparel, gear and weapons we’d like the game to have, and we want them to not only have variety and authenticity but polish and art consistency as well.

An art overhaul wouldn’t be complete without a new UI, which we have yours truly working on. Here’s a little mock-up concept of where it’s currently headed—but keep in mind that it’s merely a (very WIP) concept and does not necessarily reflect final features, items or visuals:

Other news


You guys have been asking for a proper roadmap for a while now, and we finally managed to put some time aside to work on one. We’ll be making it public very soon.

HUGE news incoming

We have some seriously exciting news coming out very soon and the future of GROUND BRANCH is looking very, very good indeed. And that, ladies and gentlemen, is all.

• • • • •

While 1030 doesn’t drop, you can keep in touch with us and the GROUND BRANCH community via Discord, the Steam® Community HubRedditTwitterInstagram or Facebook. If you have lot questions and not enough answers, our official FAQ is always here for you.

BUILD UPDATE #024: Patch 1029.4

We’ve fixed an issue introduced with patch 1029.3 that caused some Windows 7 users to not be able to launch GROUND BRANCH.

⚠️ Coming from a previous version of the game? Issues with controls, loadouts, assets or settings?

We strongly recommend players coming from an older version of the game to delete all files located in %LOCALAPPDATA%/GroundBranch/Saved/Config/WindowsNoEditor (paste file path onto your File Explorer address bar and hit Enter to go to folder).

For those who can afford it, we suggest a full reinstall: it may fix broken/missing features introduced in this version, as well as issues with controls, assets, settings and even performance. To ensure a clean reinstall, you need to manually delete all files located in …/steamapps/common/Ground Branch and %LOCALAPPDATA%/GroundBranch/%UserProfile%/Documents/GroundBranch/

⚠️ Update your dedicated server

All dedicated servers must be updated to work with the current version. Make sure yours is updated so players can enjoy the latest version of GROUND BRANCH!

Fixed Windows 7 compatibility

We found that after updating Wwise (the audio middleware we’re using) to work with UE4.24, it was trying to use xinput1_4.dll—part of a library that is not available on Windows 7. We’ve removed the references to those libraries, as they’re not required by the game.

Yep—that’s it!

This has been Build Update #024!

If you missed our last update, be sure to check it out here as it has some important news and some nice previews.

Don’t forget to keep in touch with us and the GROUND BRANCH community via Discord, the Steam® Community HubRedditTwitterInstagram or Facebook—hit us up and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can. For those with a lot questions and not enough answers, we’ve also put out an official FAQ that’s well worth checking ou

Be safe, be well, and we’ll see you on the next one.

—The BlackFoot Studios Team

Version info & change log

Game version: 1029.4


Steam Build ID: 4817136
Size: 33 MB

Dedicated server

Steam Build ID: 4817141
Size: 12 MB


* commented out references to XInput.lib & dinput8.lib in AkAudio_Windows.Build.cs

BUILD UPDATE #023: Patch 1029.3

⚠️ Issues starting the game since this update?

If you’re unable to launch GROUND BRANCH since updating, please download and install the latest version of Microsoft Visual Studio (x64: vc_redist.x64.exe) from here.

• • • • •

How’s everyone doing? Staying inside? Fingers off face? How long has it been since you washed your hands? A while? Then go wash ’em again. We’ll wait, it’s fine. You know Covid-19 is out there and it’s everywhere. And the initial belief that it is rarely dangerous to the young and healthy is appearing less and less reliable every day. We don’t need to remind you to be safe, stay inside and take it seriously, but we will anyway: Please be safe, stay inside and take it seriously.

• • • • •

Before we move on to this build’s contents, we’d like to give you all a little update on things.

A little update on things

As some of you might recall, we had originally planned for 1030 to hit sometime around February or March. But as no plan survives first contact, that simply proved impossible—our last patch, primarily intended to fix the “Requesting Rules” and other connectivity bugs, didn’t. After a lot of aggravation, Kris chased down some Steam/Steamworks plugin issues and migrated the engine and base code from 1030 (which was and remains in development) to retro-fix the 1029 problem. It seems to have eventually worked out, so that’s what we’re putting out here.

When is 1030 coming?

We know you’re probably very eager for 1030 and we truly share your frustration—we can’t wait to play it ourselves. But in addition to all the time and effort spent on the persistent 1029 bug, there’s also the issue that 1030 is set to be a massive update, which means a massive amount of work and a massive number of things that can break. With that in mind, there’s no real ETA on version 1030 of GROUND BRANCH at this time, as any forecast can be thwarted just as easily as it can be made.

Token of gratitude

Everyone’s patience and support has been greatly appreciated, and as a little “thank you” gift, we’ve compiled all the awesome upcoming apparel that the very talented Pau Peñalver has modelled so far for GROUND BRANCH right here, including a lot of process images for those interested in 3D and surface work. Pau has been working on these new assets for a while, and although we’ve shared some of these pics before, there are a few exclusives in the mix and the whole album may be fresh if you’re a newcomer.

Click image to go to gallery!

• • • • •

⚠️ Coming from a previous version of the game? Issues with controlsloadoutsassets or settings?

We strongly recommend players coming from an older version of the game to delete all files located in %LOCALAPPDATA%/GroundBranch/Saved/Config/WindowsNoEditor (paste file path onto your File Explorer address bar and hit Enter to go to folder).

For those who can afford it, we suggest a full reinstall: it may fix broken/missing features introduced in this version, as well as issues with controls, assets, settings and even performance. To ensure a clean reinstall, you need to manually delete all files located in …/steamapps/common/GroundBranch and %LOCALAPPDATA%/GroundBranch/%UserProfile%/Documents/GroundBranch/

⚠️ Update your dedicated server

All dedicated servers must be updated to work with the current version. Make sure yours is updated so players can enjoy the latest version of GROUND BRANCH!

• • • • •

Build highlights

Server connectivity

Connectivity issues should hopefully have been fixed for good this time around.

[WIP] Climbing

As a result of moving some base code from 1030 into 1029, the core functionality for climbing is now available to preview. It’s really just the core functionality—there are no animations yet and it looks unsurprisingly funky, but it does open up some interesting gameplay possibilities and it should be a fun ability to try out.

To climb, press Jump (default [Spacebar]) near an object and your character will climb—or rather sorta float—onto it. Climbing is currently limited to objects that are about chest-height. That height will be tested and revised as we go, and we’ll be sure to add sensible limits to what can or not be climbed along the way.

Because it’s only a core functionality with no animations, basic collision will keep players from vaulting through smaller windows and similar openings without sufficient room for a standing character, so keep that in mind when rounds start flying!

Jumping height decreased

Now that we can (very crudely) climb and vault, jumping is no longer needed to get players out of dead-ends and is now limited to a short leap. No animation for that either—we’re working on getting those in for 1030.

[WIP] Sound occlusion

We’re slowly migrating the sound occlusion from UE4’s built-in solution onto Wwise. It’s only a first pass, but you should notice a clearer distinction between sounds that happen outdoors while you’re indoors and vice versa, for example. There is currently no distinction for windows, doors and such openings yet, however, which means that when shooting out of a window you will hear gunshots as if they were on the other side of a wall. The same applies for, say, hearing close fire through an open doorway—sound occlusion will kick in despite there being no obstacle between yourself and the shooter.

This has been Build Update #23!

The GROUND BRANCH community is on Discord, the Steam® Community HubRedditTwitterInstagram and Facebook. Reach out with your questions, suggestions and issues and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can.

Also, have you checked out the official GROUND BRANCH FAQ yet? It’s got a comprehensive insight into what’s coming and what isn’t, and should answer most questions newcomers have.

We’ll leave you with a quick reminder to stay at home, keep your hands clean and hang in there.

—The BlackFoot Studios Team

Version info & change log

Game version: 1029.3


Steam Build ID: 4794648
Size: 2.1 GB

Dedicated server

Steam Build ID: 4794655
Size: 214 MB


* updated engine 4.23 to 4.24
* changed base game code
   * jumping is now done via tap and height is much lower
   * basic climbing (no animation) is possible by pressing and holding Jump near objects
* replaced usage of third-party Steam/Steamworks plugin to in-house implementation
* updated all affect C++ and Blueprints
* rebuilt lighting on all maps due to engine update


* increased occlusion on spatial audio volumes via Wwise

BUILD UPDATE #022: Patch 1029.2

Build Update #022 is here with version 1029.2, a hotfix patch that should take care of the connectivity issues that have been keeping multiplayer rather broken, as well as a few other miscellaneous fixes.

› This is a crucial update for online play!

If you’re a server admin, be sure to update your dedicated server. In other news…

🔥 SALE: Save 25% on GROUND BRANCH 🔥

This year’s Steam® Lunar New Year Sale will run from January 23rd (1pm EST / 6pm GMT) to January 27th, during which time GROUND BRANCH will be 25% OFF.

Spread the word, maybe even gift a copy, and let’s get that player count up!

⚠️ Coming from a previous version of the game? Issues with controls, loadouts, assets or settings?

We strongly recommend players coming from an older version of the game to delete all files located in %LOCALAPPDATA%/GroundBranch/Saved/Config/WindowsNoEditor (paste file path onto your File Explorer address bar and hit Enter to go to folder).

For those who can afford it, we suggest a full reinstall: it may fix broken/missing features introduced in this version, as well as issues with controls, assets, settings and even performance. To ensure a clean reinstall, you need to manually delete all files located in …/steamapps/common/Ground Branch and %LOCALAPPDATA%/GroundBranch/%UserProfile%/Documents/GroundBranch/

⚠️ Update your dedicated server

All dedicated servers must be updated to work with the current version. Make sure yours is updated so players can enjoy the latest version of GROUND BRANCH!

Fixes and changes

Server connectivity
  • Being stuck while requesting rules, servers requiring frequent restarts and other related connectivity issues have been fixed. As always, thanks for all the reports that helped Kris zero in on the problem and purge it.
  • A bug in the enemy A.I. perception has been mitigated to make it more reactive, particularly at close quarters. Their detection at range may have been compromised in the process, but we haven’t been able to determine for sure. (We opted to not hold the connectivity fix back any longer, so we’ll be fixin and tweakin’ this bit of the A.I. as we go.)
  • Hitting Cancel when requesting rules now stops the request and removes the overlay instead of kicking you back to the Main Menu.
  • [Online] Sidearm holsters are once again visible.
  • General cleanup on Depot map—mainly collision and things that defied gravity.
  • Bushes have been optimized for better collision and overdraw.
  • Tweaked placement of the suppressor on the M17 pistol to line up properly.
  • [Online] Magazines make a sound again when dropped, and only become interactive (i.e. able to picked up) after they collide with something.
  • FIxed SDASS Custom not cycling the action when firing mid-reload.
  • Updated old Breaching Charge blueprints to ensure the correct number of charges is carried.

What’s next?

Big update 1030 is still under development and we’re estimating to have it ready within the next few months. Version 1030 is set to bring in all-new character assets (arms, apparel, camos…), new animations by seasoned Arma 3 community modeller and animator Toadie—as well as the accompanying actions/functions for them—and other sweet stuff like new gear, ambient map sounds, and more.

We’ll get an Intel Update or two out in the meantime to keep everyone posted and provide some sneak peeks. Stay tuned!

This has been Build Update #024!

If you missed our last update, be sure to check it out here as it has some important news and some nice previews.

Don’t forget to keep in touch with us and the GROUND BRANCH community via Discord, the Steam® Community HubRedditTwitterInstagram or Facebook—hit us up and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can. For those with a lot questions and not enough answers, we’ve also put out an official FAQ that’s well worth checking ou

Be safe, be well, and we’ll see you on the next one.

—The BlackFoot Studios Team

Version info & change log

Game version: 1029.2


Steam Build ID: —
Size: — MB

Dedicated server

Steam Build ID: —
Size: — MB


* FIXED Depot issues
    * Possible to get into river at boat spawn
    * Large rocks around river area do not extend into ground
    * Various trees not properly grounded and sticking above terrain
    * Hovering wall section above ground
    * Barrels hovering above ground
    * Electrical box hovering above ground
    * Various places getting stuck on collision along river edge
    * Various large rocks no properly grounded with terrain
* FIXED M17 suppressor not lined up properly
* FIXED missing polygons in end of Depot bridge (remade section)
* FIXED wall clipping issues on User Arena 2 map
* FIXED map list generator using "GameMode" instead of the "Game" to specify which game mode class a map should use
* FIXED Admin UI not displaying message overlay when executing a command or filling a request
    * For whatever reason, the existing version would not be visible on screen no matter what you did (replacing it with a copy of the pre-connect overlay used by the server browser fixed the problem)
* FIXED encoding/decoding GBHolster in relation to replication
* FIXED Server Browser filtering by game mode
* FIXED being able to place the EBR Extended Rail on another EBR Extended Rail
* FIXED WBP_UseItemMenu overriding mouse left/right, causing mag dumps if used while firing
* FIXED dropped magazines not being interactive or making noise on client due to previous changes to GBDroppedItem class


* Optimized polygons on bush models for better line check collision and reduced overdraw


* added info to RelativePriority >= EBTNodeRelativePriority::Same error in UBehaviorTreeComponent::RequestExecution()
* cleaned up and named all Blackboard Based Condition decorators in attempt to locate buggy bEnemyLOS one
* removed duplicate Has bEnemyLOS? decorator – hope it doesn't break the BT
* updated FSightGroup::AddSight() to add IsValidLowLevel() check to each GroupdSightComponent, as they keep getting GC'd or something while be added

* updated GBFirearm
    * added IsLowLevelCheck() checks to GroupedSightComponents usage
    * added FMath::Max() check to prevent possible divide by zero in FSightGroup::AddSight().
* added additional logging to AGBGameSession::ApproveLogin() to help track connection issue
* modified AGBGameMode::PreLogin() 
    * now call Supe::PreLogin() before call GBGameSession->ApproveLogin(), if error message is empty
    * added additional logging to help track connection issue
* updated WBP_ServerBrowser
    * added timeout when getting rules to auto-fail after 10–15 seconds
    * hitting cancel when requesting rules now stops the requests and removes the overlay instead of kicking you back to the Main Menu
* added hack to UZKMapList::Init() to replace usage of "GameMode" with "Game" in existing map list entries
* added bGameModeParamRequired member variable to UZKSettings class
    * Makes sure that "Game=<game mode class>" is always included in any command related to changing the map
    Defaults to true. Made optional so that if the plugin is used with a game that only has one game mode etc., it'll skip the check
* updated UZKCommands::HandleChangeMap( ) to check if "Game" option exists before allowing command to execute if bGameModeParamRequired is true
* updated UZKMapList::GetNextMapListEntry() to check if "Game" option exists in an entry before considering it as valid if bGameModeParamRequired is true
* updated UZKMapList::StartMapList() to use the first valid map entry instead of the first entry
* updated UZKAdmin::FileRequest() to return true if the request is valid, but there are no lines to return
* updated GBPouch encode/decode implementation based on recent changes to GBHolster
* updated BP_BreachingCharge & BP_Pouch_BreachingCharge
    * cleaned up or removed old logic
    * moved handling of detonator to pouch
    * made sure detonator exists when pouch is decoded or refilled
* moved AGBItem::OnBeingDropped() call to GBDroppedItem class so that it is called on both the server and client
* updated GBFriearm
    * created OnBeingDropped() so that client has a chance to force audio loops to end when firearm is dropped (in case OnBeingUnequipped() fails)
    * updated OnRemovedFromCharacter() to ensure that SetRecoilCount() is call on the OldParentCharacter
* updated AM_Reload_PumpAction to try and improve pump action reload syncing
* updated BP_SDASS_Martial
    * added timer when fired without hand on foregrip that will loop back to pump when hand has been placed back on the foregrip.
    * forced reload to always use ChamberSingleRound due to the ChamberRound section always failing to sync properly :(

BUILD UPDATE #021: Patch 1029.1

This is a small patch mainly intended to fix the various game crashes and connectivity issues introduced in version 1029.

⚠️ Coming from a previous version of the game? Issues with controls, loadouts, assets or settings?

We strongly recommend players coming from an older version of the game to delete all files located in %LOCALAPPDATA%/GroundBranch/Saved/Config/WindowsNoEditor (paste file path onto your File Explorer address bar and hit Enter to go to folder).

For those who can afford it, we suggest a full reinstall: it may fix broken/missing features introduced in this version, as well as issues with controls, assets, settings and even performance. To ensure a clean reinstall, you need to manually delete all files located in …/steamapps/common/Ground Branch and %LOCALAPPDATA%/GroundBranch/%UserProfile%/Documents/GroundBranch/

⚠️ Update your dedicated server

All dedicated servers must be updated to work with the current version. Make sure yours is updated so players can enjoy the latest version of GROUND BRANCH!

Fixes and updates

  • Kris went over the code side of things to fix the crashes and connectivity issues brought on by 1029. Thanks for all the reports and crash logs!
  • Cleaned up some bad navmeshes in Depot, Small Town and 747 so bots won’t get stuck in (or not go to) certain areas. Bad navmeshes!

What’s next?

Patch 1029.2 will fix a few less pressing issues from 1029 that didn’t make the cut.

This has been Build Update #024!

If you missed our last update, be sure to check it out here as it has some important news and some nice previews.

Don’t forget to keep in touch with us and the GROUND BRANCH community via Discord, the Steam® Community HubRedditTwitterInstagram or Facebook—hit us up and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can. For those with a lot questions and not enough answers, we’ve also put out an official FAQ that’s well worth checking ou

Be safe, be well, and we’ll see you on the next one.

—The BlackFoot Studios Team

Version info & change log

Game version: 1029.1


Steam Build ID: —
Size: — GB

Dedicated server

Steam Build ID: —
Size: — MB


* FIXED various AI navigation issues in 747, Depot and Small Town


* cleaned out unused functions from GBGameViewportClient
* removed usage of ConstructorHelpers from GBBotManager to fix related crash
* updated GBFirearm
    * moved some logic from OnBeingUnequipped() to OnRemoveFromCharacter() to ensure that logic is called even if the firearm being equipped isn't detected.
    * added check in BeginDestroy() to prevent it trying to stop sounds on a dedicated server to hopefully fix a crash related to the server removing listeners in Wwise when there are none.
* updated GBItem::UpdateSkin_Implementation() to try to fix crash related to a MID not being created correctly by engine due to the primitive component owner being invalid in some way.

* created M_Widget3DPassThrough based on suggestion to correct washed out look for web-based MOTD
    * see
* created UGBGameplayStatics::IsNetReady()
    * takes PlayerController, finds the matching net connection (if any) and returns the value of IsNetReady()
* updated GBGameMode
    * moved adding players to waiting queue from  HandleStartingNewPlayer() to PostLogin().
    * updated NewPlayerWaitingTimer() to use UGBGameplayStatics::IsNetReady() to make sure a player can received RPC's before attempting to call ClientInitialSync().
* updated GBCharacter::NetMulticastPlayVoice_Implementation()
    * added IsAlive() check to prevent trying to start playing voice for dead/dying character
    * changed check(VoiceAudioComponent) to return if VoiceAudioComponent is a nullptr instead.
        * VoiceAudioComponent could be null if the character is out of range of any players that can hear it or sound is disabled :|
    * Fixes crash related to VoiceAudioComponent coming back as null and the check() failing.
* updated GBPlayerController to only created a VOIPManager if sound is enabled.
* updated GBVOIPComponent
    * instead of emptying entire audio queue into buffer if not enough samples are ready, it will now only dequeue enough to meet the current requirements.
    * also changed loop to use !IsEmpty() instead of return value of Dequeue().
    * hopefully fixes Dequeue() causing crash for some reason :neutral_face:
* updated GBGameMode
    * removed call to PlayerController->ClientInitialSync() in HandleStartingNewPlayer().
    * added !WaitingPlayer->IsUnreachable() check to NewPlayerWaitingTimer()
    * Should fix crash related to calling ClientInitialSync on a player who did not connect correctly resulting in the "Unreachable" flag being set and no RPC's working (hence the crash).
* updated GBFirearm
    * moved sight sorting to FSightGroup::AddSight()
    * updated FSightGroup::GetActiveSight() to use IsValidLowLevel() instead of nullptr check and IsValidLowLevelFast()
    * added UPROPERTY() macro to SightGroups member variable
    * hopefully these changes fix the crash related to GetActiveSight()

* attempted fix for crash related to using ConstructorHelpers in GBGameMode
    * classes used by game mode are now null by default when game mode is created.
    * PostLoad() and PreSave() will check if these classes are still null and set if them to the proper defaults they actually are.
    * removes the need for the ConstructorHelper function that was failing, so fixes the crash