
Boring stuff needs doing too!

Engine updates, bug fixes, fiddling with motion capture files, UI work – all quite boring.

I spent quite a bit of time this weekend tracking down an issue that developed – which was my fault – and migrating to a new UE3 build.

Seem to have nailed the problem, hopefully for good.

I hope so, otherwise John will slap me upside the head again.

Speaking of John, he’s recently been replacing the crappy awesome programmer art I created for the UI with proper assets, based on this mockup.

Jeremy continues creating new animations, based on earlier motion capture work.

Nothing particularly fun or interesting, but it is progress.

– Kris


Kind of a small update, but we thought we would show off some art and explain a bit about character customization. First the art:

Nothing to special really. Black, Tan and Green are in game assets with normal map, diffuse and specular maps.  The lower 2 being high resolution sculpt and in-game asset wireframe. One neat thing we are doing is to allow players to add individual or team patches to the hats. The velcro section on the front is a separate material that can hold whatever patch design you or your group want to include. This patch will be distributed to all clients unless they choose to not accept client patches(will be an option). You will also have this ability on your arm as well.

There will be a wide variety of customization choices and hats are just the beginning.